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Politique de Confidentialité

HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U., being responsible for this website and in accordance with the provisions of Spanish Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and Spanish Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), has implemented those policies, means and technical and organizational procedures being necessary to ensure and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data of its users. These data shall be processed in a/some file/s duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation currently in force.

In the event that the data to be supplied by the User were necessary for the team of HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U. to be able to i) answer queries, provide information required by the User; ii) provide the user with the services and/or with the products contracted or entered into by the user; iii) provide the user with access to certain features of the Website; or iv) carry out all activities of the HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U. hereby detailed, HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U. shall inform the User on that obligation and shall indicate what data are needed to be filled in. By means of indication, facilitation or introduction of such data and in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the LOPD, the User gives express consent to HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U. to proceed with the processing of the data provided in support of the above mentioned purposes as well as for eventual sending of commercial communications of HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U. that may be of the user's interest.

The entity being responsible for the database, as well as those involved in any phase of processing and/or entities who have been notified on said data -in each case and under the corresponding authorization granted by the User, are required to observe professional secrecy and to adopt the levels of protection as well as all technical and organizational measures at their disposal that may be necessary to ensure the security of personal data, avoiding as far as possible, unauthorized access, illegal modifications, theft and / or loss of data, in order to ensure the appropriate level of security to the files of the HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U., depending on the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by users of this Website. Likewise, HOTEL EL CASTELL, S.L.U. is engaged to have implemented all security measures that may apply under the provisions of Measures Regulations (RD 1720/2007).

Under the mentioned Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection users have the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and, if necessary, the right to revoke at any time their consent to receive commercial communications by sending an email to or addressing a letter to CTRA. N 260 25700, LA SEU D'URGELL.

Foire des fromages artisanaux des Pyrénées

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